Be Bold this Chica Beauty Summer

Be Bold this Chica Beauty Summer

We've said it before and we'll say it again; a Chica Beauty Summer means mastering the arts of confidence, relaxation, and doing what we love. We kicked off these hot and humid months with our most meaningful set yet - the LOVE/AMOR set, and just in time to celebrate this Chica Beauty Summer!

As Americans start to say goodbye to the masks they've gotten so close with over the last year, we're starting to remember how it felt stepping out with nothing but a bold lipstick on. That's why this summer is all about accentuating the feature that you may have neglected for over a year - the lips.

For a lot of low-maintenance, busy Chicas, lips tend to come last in the beauty routine. For quick glam, evening out the skin tone and lengthening the lashes are the most important, right? But this summer Chica Beauty wants to encourage you to BE BOLD with your daily routine, and all while keeping it just as simple.

The LOVE/AMOR set contains our boldest product to date: the MIJA red lipstick, inspired by the eternally bold Grandma Jimenez herself. Sisterpreneurs Toni and Mei-Lon named this product MIJA because their grandmother used to call them by this endearing term, meaning something along the lines of "precious girl." While a red lipstick may feel like "too much," Grandma Jimenez inspires us all to look at it as a staple. 

Grandma Jimenez always looked so pristine and put together; hair done and makeup perfect. She rocked a bold, red lip daily, even when spending the day by herself at her home just in case anyone decided to stop by. Her bold lip was her staple, and we are inspired by her effortless glamour and unapologetic indulgence this summer. 

Check back into our blog for tips on how to style a red lip for ALL occasions, but in the meantime channel your inner Grandma Jimenez and just BE BOLD with it! Our no-mess applicator makes it easy to pop on before running out for a quick errand, but the color is simultaneously flexible enough to be the finishing touch for a gorgeous night-out look. 

Send us your BOLD looks on Instagram @chicabeautyusa, TikTok @chicabeauty, Facebook - Chica Beauty, or via email: 

As always - make sure to check back in for more Chica Beauty content on all socials this month! We have lots of exciting things coming...

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